
Catastephy (ke-TAS-te-fi) n. singular
1. Rebellion against convention; usurpation.
2. First and only website of Stephanie Tao
(b. 1981). See Tao, Stephanie.
(From Greek kata meaning down and stephanos meaning head or crown).

Design (di-ZAI-n) n. singular
1.The art of visual communication, sometimes combining text and graphics in dynamic ways to produce unique visual solutions.
2. My major at UCLA.

Etymology (e-ti-MO-le-ji) n. pl. etymologies
1. The origin and historical development of words or languages. Can also refer to the history of a person, specifially my personal background. See Tao, Stephanie.
2. The branch of linguistics that deals with etymologies. See linguistics. (From Greek etumon + logi, meaning true sense of a word)

Linguistics (lin-GWI-stiks) n. takes sing. verb
1. The systematic study of the nature, structure, and variation of language, including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, sociolinguistics, and pragmatics.
2. My minor at UCLA; source of macabre fascination.


Tao, Stephanie (1981- ? ) n. fem. sing.
Born in San Jose, California, to two Taiwanese immigrants, Leo and Tammy Tao. Grew up in a sheltering bubble called Silicon Valley. Discovered Jesus Christ in Junior high, and then went on to other highlights, such as the Homestead High School newspaper, The Epitaph. Attended UCLA, majoring in Design and minoring in Linguistics. Generally known as a mellow person whose continual sarcasm can be easily mistaken for uncouthness.

Tao plans to get a job after she graduates,
by the grace and mercy of God almighty.

Brain candy
