Thesis Title: lucinations


lucinations is based on a story I heard as a teenager. The time of the story was before any outside western influence came to the people of Teslin Yukon: maybe the early 1800's. According to the story, a man had gone missing The family of the missing man went and asked on the assistance of a medicine man in Teslin to find him. A community gathering took place and a ceremony was performed. The medicine man transformed his essence into an animal, a fox and started to look for the missing person. During the search the Medicine Man was talking in a higher tone of voice, panting like a tired dog after running a long time, telling the people that "I don't see him". So he continued to look, and went over to another community called Carcross, 60 miles south of Teslin.   He came to a place where there were a lot of people there. He found the man and told the family. The way this story ends provides the motivation for this thesis; the Medicine Man came back over a hill and saw Teslin through the eyes of his spiritual self had a dark cloud over it.

The man came back to his body, woke up and told the people that there will be a big change that was going to happen to the people of Teslin. What is vital about this story is the method in which this man communicated with the outer world, by accessing his own spiritual resources to define the present and the future. I am using this person as a subject in my art by creating images images using the software Maya as a metaphorical animal, like the man who turned his essence into a fox. My essence will be in a machine, the computer to journey into the past. My interest with this transformation is the other futuristic dreams this medicine man experienced after his experience of seeing the dark cloud over Teslin.