to be approached by the listener with the headspeakers facing outwards!

Our generation has developed what may be aptly named "tunnel hearing." We have very quickly become addicted to the iPod and other pocket-sized MP3 jukeboxes, with which we continuously pipe music into our heads. We treat our minds as a receptacle - a shopping basket, even - to be filled by items of aural consumption. We get tired of our music when it is on shuffle - a condition a friend of mine named "iPod ADHD." Our minds even play this music back for us; we say: "I have a song in my head - and I can't get it out."

Our over-consumption and mental re-play of music subverts and replaces our deepest thoughts and makes us deaf to the aural environment of the outside world. This piece attempts to reverse that experience by projecting thoughts to the outside world, and forcing the musical object to be approached rather than passively consumed.

This project should be installed as a single pair of headphones hanging from the ceiling, tied up so that the earpieces face outwards. If this setup is not feasible, it is also acceptable to simply turn your earphones outwards and listen to each speaker individually, without wearing the headphones! The left speaker will play positive, affirmative thoughts and experiences and represent what is being ignored from without; the right speaker will contain deep, philosophical, subversive thoughts - representing thoughts from within. These animate the depth of philosophical thought and community building that I feel we may let deteriorate with our over-consumption of media.