SMIL:Examples and applications

  The application of streaming media has expanded with the refinement and development of the technology itself. For example the bandwidth was one significant limitations of streaming. Users with dial up modems of 14 or 28 kbps, need to view presentations that requires less than such speed per second. RealSystems developed SureStream, a new technology that allows for the incorporation of multiple bandwidths, thus improving and expanding the content of streaming media.
    Sony, music promo. Fully interactive smil presentation with links, embeded movies, banners, and still images.  
    Music of South Africa. Example of slide show with links to their web site and pop-up windows.  
    Good example of slide show. Probably used of Real PIX with regular JPG or GIF to create transitions: fades, wipes, zooms, etc.  

Storytimeonline it's a project sponsered by the Kennedy Center in
partnership with RealNetworks to present online adaptations of popular children's books. These streaming media presentations are read by the authors and include the original illustrations. The actual streaming incorporates sound, slides, and links.