Prebuilt SteamVR Project with Universal Rendering Pipeline Download this 2021 scene, move the folder to your Desktop or working area. This file is already setup with SteamVR and some other tools.
Build Your Own Project from Scratch ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Unity Hub Projects Section Select New project Select 3D URP, Download template Name the project and choose a location for the new folder
The project should take a while to open.
Import SteamVR plugin Steam VR is a package that controls the VR Camera and Controllers for Valve Vive headsets. This package also installs an XR Plug-in called OpenVR Loader or OpenVR XR Plugin.
Use Window->Asset Store Choose Search online Sign in with your Unity ID Search for SteamVR Choose the one from Valve Corporation 2.7.3 Select Open in Unity
Select Window->Package Manager Packages: My Assets should be selected Click Sign in A browser window will open to open the Unity Hub Go back to the Package Manager Select Load All (so you can see SteamVR) Choose SteamVR Plugin Choose Import You may want to deselect a few option to make the file size smaller: Deselect Longbow, and collapse the arrow Deselect Samples Select Samples Scripts Import (You can always install these later, you may want to try the Interactions_Example file from Samples.)
Close the Package Manager
Message window from SteamVR: Run In Background, Use recommended (True), Choose Accept All
Import SteamVR plugin from Github Download and import SteamVR github v2.7.3 Scroll down the page to select steamvr_2_7_3.unitypackage Place the file in your Assets folder and double click to install
Unity on Mac computers does not recognize OpenVR Ignore all the error messages and switch platform if asked Select Window->Package Manager Packages: In Project Select OpenVR XR plugin and Remove
Add a Player Camera Select the Scene tab
Locate Assets\SteamVR\Interaction System\Core\Prefabs\Player Drag the Player into the Hierarchy tab

SteamVR Camera Settings Simulation Camera: Open the arrow next to Player in the Hierarchy  Open NoSteamVRFallbackObjects Select FallbackObjects Change Position in Y to 0 Change Anti-aliasing Fast Approximate Anto-Aliasing (FXAA) (default No Anto-aliasing)
Game tab Grab and drop the Game tab place it below the Scene tab to create a split view.
Delete the Main Camera to be out of the way Select the Main Camera from the Hierarchy tab Delete it
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Add a Collider to your SteamVR simulator Camera Here are some tools to augment the SteamVR plugin written for you by Alex Rickett, UCLA Game lab This tool is written to augment the Unity Steam simulator, this adds collisions to the Player camera. The camera will stop at any object such as a wall that has a collider.
Download this file HelperCollider_v3.unitypackage On a PC right mouse Extract All... BUG On a Mac the file might automatically unzip, if not use Stuffit to unzip. You know there is a problem if you do not see one file called HelperCollider_v3.unitypackage. It should look like this:  You can set Safari to not unzip: Safari->Preferences->General, uncheck Open "Safe" Files
Drag and drop the HelperCollider_v3.unitypackage into your project Assets folder. Install the package, double click and select Import This adds a folder called HelperLibrary into the project, there is a prefab and and script.
Open the HelperLibrary folder in Assets. Drag the SteamVRSimulatorColliderHelper prefab into your project Hierarchy, (not as a child of the Player)
Make sure the Player's Body Collider and the HeadCollider are part of the Default Layer.

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: You won't see this while running the simulator, you need a VR headset Teleportation Drag the Assets/SteamVR/Teleport/Prefabs/Teleporting into your Hierarchy.
Place a plane just above the ground, it can not be below.
Add Component->Teleport Area
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: You won't see this while running the simulator Hide the Glove, Replace with a controller Select Assets/SteamVR/InteractionSystem/.Core/Prefabs/LeftRenderModel Slim Uncheck Display Hand By Default Select Display Controller By Default
Change the Glove Color of the VR Hands You may want to update all the Pink SteamVR materials to URP Select Assets/SteamVR/Models/Materials
Select any pink materials Run Edit->Rendering->Materials->Convert Selected Built-in Materials to URP
Select Assets/SteamVR/Models/Materials/vr_glove_color_red Three dot menu near top select Reset
Make a new SkyBox Select Assets-Create->Material In the Inspector change the Shader to Skybox/Procedural Play with the color settings
Lighting Settings Select Window->Rendering->Lighting Under the Environment tab, change the Skybox Material to your new SkyBox
Solid Color Background if you do not want to use a Skybox Main Camera: Choose Window->Rendering->Lighting Settings Click the next to Skybox Material select None
Scene Window and Unity interface: Select Edit->Preferences (Mac: Select Unity->Preferences) Select Colors Change the Background color
SteamVR Headset Camera: Open the arrow next to Player in the Hierarchy  Open the arrow next to SteamVRObjects  Select VRCamera Under Clear Flags change Skybox to Solid Color in the Inspector Change the Background color in the Inspector Change the Field of View to 90
Simulation Camera: Open the arrow next to Player in the Hierarchy  Open the arrow next to NoSteamVRFallbackObjects  Select FallbackObjects Under Clear Flags change Skybox to Solid Color in the Inspector Change the Background color in the Inspector
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Fix Shadows and Lighting These settings can effect performance.
Quality Edit->Project Settings... Select Quality Locate Render Pipeline Asset URP-HighFidelity (Universal Render Pipeline Asset) (This is the default for URP) Right click on URP-HighFidelity (Universal Render Pipeline Asset) Select Properties... Decrease Max Distance to 30 (default 150) This what causes low resolution shadows!
Lights Select your Directional Light Turn on Shadows Turn down Strength to lighten the shadow color, try .5 (default 1)
Change Render Mode to Important Do this to main lights, if you have a scene with many lights you will need this. (default auto)
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Hide the mouse cursor & add an Escape button Select the Main Camera or an object Select the Add Component button in the Inspector Scroll down to New script Type a name: hide_cursor_escape Double click the new C# script in your Assets folder
Replace entire script with this script:
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine;
public class hide_cursor_escape : MonoBehaviour { // Use this for initialization void Start() { Cursor.visible = false; } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) { Application.Quit(); } } }
Reflection Probe for shiny glass and chrome Select GameObject->Light->Reflection Probe Change the Position to 0,0,0 in the Inspector Make sure your objects are within the cube area. Use this editor to adjust.  Change the Type to Realtime (default Baked) Change the Clear Flags and Background color to match your camera
Increase Smoothness on Materials to change the reflectivity
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Really great custom WebGL Front Page Package for Unity This lets you add your own logo and the page publishes larger. Use with caution, need to test more. You may need to create a Github account first. Locate Instructions 2020 Click this unity package link Download betterunitytemplate2020.0.1.0.unitypackage Select Assets->Import Package->Cutom Package... If you follow the installation instructions, webGL builds will look a lot more sensible, they will fill the whole browser window, give you and editable logo image to obscure the unity logo while loading.
Select File->Build Settings... Select Player Settings... Select Player Section Under Resolution and Presentation Select Better2020
Modify the GUI text Overlay Modify the directions for interaction:
Modify the Message Edit the script FallbackCameraController SteamVR->InteractionSystem->Scripts Carefully replace each line of text between the "" under the if ( showInstructions ) section at the bottom of the script.
Change the Font Make a new folder in Assets called Resources PC: Copy a font from C:\Windows\Fonts into resources Mac: Copy a font from Macintosh HD/System/Library/Fonts into Resources, look at the name in the assets for spelling Edit the script FallbackCameraController SteamVR->InteractionSystem->Scripts Replace all the text between the { } for if ( showInstructions ) section Change the fontname to your selected font
GUIStyle myButtonStyle = new GUIStyle(); myButtonStyle.fontSize = 18; //create a folder in Assets called Resources, put a font in there Font myFont = (Font)Resources.Load("fontname", typeof(Font)); myButtonStyle.font = myFont; myButtonStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white; myButtonStyle.hover.textColor = Color.white; GUI.Label(new Rect(5.0f, 5.0f, 600.0f, 400.0f), "WASD EQ/Arrow Keys to translate the camera\n" + "Right mouse click to rotate the camera\n" + "Left mouse click for standard interactions.\n", myButtonStyle);
Publish to WebGL You may view your project in a browser on a computer or a phone.
Reinstall OpenVR XR Plugin to run a VR Headset if needed This plugin interferes with WebGL publish and the Mac simulator.
Select File->Build Settings... Select Windows, Mac, Linux Select Switch Platform
Download: OpenVR Click Latest button to download: com.valvesoftware.unity.openvr-1.1.4.tgz tarball file XR Plug-in called OpenVR Loader or OpenVR XR Plugin. (There is a copy in the main project folder of the template.)
Window->Package Manager Under the +, upper left Select Add package from tarball... Locate the com.valvesoftware.unity.openvr-1.1.4.tgz tarball file in your downloads folder Change to Packages: In Project OpenVR XR Plugin was installed
If VR is not running: Make sure Edit->Project Settings XR Plug-in Management Initialize XR on Startup is selected OpenVR Loader is selected
Fix Bindings, if it is a problem Delete the Assets/SteamVR_Input folder in your project. Answer yes to generate actions, Save and generate, close window (This will create a folder in Assets called SteamVR_Input)
Make sure the Player is at 0,0,0
