
Publish WebGL for Browsers on the Internet and phone

Prebuilt SteamVR Project with Universal Rendering Pipeline
You may already have this...

Download this 2021 scene, move the folder to your Desktop or working area.
This file is already setup with SteamVR and some other tools.

Change the greggman Better2020 Startup Logo
Change the startup screen logo.
Use Photoshop and open logo.png from:

In Unity
WebGL Publish

Select File->Build Settings...

Select WebGL
Select Switch Platform
Close Build Settings window
(If you do not see the WebGL option, you will need to add the module with the Unity Hub.)

Fix Some Issues
(some are already fixed in the template):

Fix SteamVR Newton script
Under the Project tab select Assets/SteamVR/Input/Plugins/JSON.NET/Valve.Newtonsoft.Json.dll 
     (search for Newton)

In the Inspector
put a check mark next to WebGL
Hit Apply

Remove OpenVR XR Plugin  (This runs VR Headset etc)

Select Window->Package Manager
     Select Packages: In Project
          Select  OpenVR XR Plugin, Hit Remove
(You may reinstall for VR later, see bottom of page, orange section)

File->Build Settings...
     Select Player Settings...
button  (This is the same as Edit->Project Settings...)

Select Player Section
     Under Resolution and Presentation
          Select Better2020

     Under Other Settings
          Select Color Space to Gamma   (default Linear)
Lightmap Encoding to Normal Quality   (default High Quality)

     Under Publishing Settings
          Change Compression Format  to Disabled
  (default brotli)
     Close Project Settings

File->Build Settings...  (This should still be open)
Build and Run

          Create a New Folder outside of your Unity project
               Name the folder something similar to the project,  yourname_project + _player
          Select and Save to the folder... 

Select File->Build Settings...  (This should still be open)
Build and Run

          Select a location outside your project.
          Save As: Name it something similar to the project, yourname_project + _player
               A folder will be created for you.

The webGL will pop up in a browser. You can now publish to the project folder to the class server

MAC WebGL Bug, magic spell: If your project is not visible in a browser, save your project, quit Unity, reopen the project and publish one more time using Build and Run.

Mac Issue: If your project does not publish and you are using an external hard drive, you will need to move all your files to your main drive and publish to the main drive.




Publish to class website
You can test publish your site through the class folders.
Mac use Filezilla, PC use WinSCP to transfer
     Host or Host name: 
     Port number: 22

     User name: Your UCLA login

By default WinSCP and Filezilla start at your home directory  /home/users/yourname
Select the link to myClasses
Select the link to    F22-156    AKA   /data/classes/Fall22/156
Select web                           AKA   /data/classes/web/Fall22/156
Select projects
Select the correct assignment folder such as Exercise_A_primitives_webGL

Upload the
yourname_player you created for the publish, this includes an index.html and Build folder.

Or Login to the DMA Cloud
Go to the website and login with your DMA username and password.
     Select file.DMA Home
     Select myClasses
     Select W22-156
     Select web
     Select projects
     Drag your webGL publish folder into the correct assignment folder

Website link to folder for the class

Prior 156 Classes that used webGL


ADVANCED modify the GUI text Overlay
Modify the directions for interaction:

Modify the Message
Edit the script FallbackCameraController  SteamVR->InteractionSystem->Scripts
Carefully replace each line of text between the "" under the  if ( showInstructions ) section at the bottom of the script.

Change the Font
Make a new folder in Assets called Resources
PC: Copy a font from C:\Windows\Fonts into resources
Mac: Copy a font from Macintosh HD/System/Library/Fonts into Resources, look at the name in the assets for spelling
Edit the script FallbackCameraController  SteamVR->InteractionSystem->Scripts
Replace all the text between the { } for if ( showInstructions ) section
Change the fontname to your selected font

GUIStyle myButtonStyle = new GUIStyle();
myButtonStyle.fontSize = 18;
//create a folder in Assets called Resources, put a font in there
Font myFont = (Font)Resources.Load("fontname", typeof(Font));
myButtonStyle.font = myFont;
myButtonStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;
myButtonStyle.hover.textColor = Color.white;
GUI.Label(new Rect(5.0f, 5.0f, 600.0f, 400.0f),
"WASD EQ/Arrow Keys to translate the camera\n" +
"Right mouse click to rotate the camera\n" +
"Left mouse click for standard interactions.\n", myButtonStyle);


Later install OpenVR XR Plugin to run a VR Headset
This plugin interferes with WebGL publish and the Mac simulator.

Select File->Build Settings...
     Select Windows, Mac, Linux
Select Switch Platform

Window->Package Manager
Under the +, upper left
     Select Add package from tarball...
     Locate the com.valvesoftware.unity.openvr-1.1.4.tgz tarball file in your downloads folder
Change to Packages: In Project
     OpenVR XR Plugin was installed

Fix Bindings, if it is a problem
Delete the Assets/SteamVR_Input folder in your project.

Make sure the Player
is at 0,0,0

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