




Solo projects

Group projects

Science projects


As a research fellow at the University of Chicago from 2002 to 2005, I studied the protein folding problem. This problem consists in predicting the three dimensional structure of a protein molecule given the only information of its linear sequence of amino acids. This research was conducted in a highly multidisciplinary and collaborative environment, with experts from molecular biology, computer science and physical chemistry.

I help to design algorithms and models to simplify the huge complexity of protein molecules, while trying to keep the accuracy of the predictions. Based on these algorithms, I implemented a set of libraries and tools to simulate protein folding on computer clusters. Even though I am not formally associated to the University of Chicago anymore, the project continues to this day. Several graduate students are currently using the software to derive new results and to improve the original algorithms. The original website of the project is available here (with links to the simulation and visualization tools I developed):
The website with updated information about the ongoing research is the following:

The following are some research articles that I have authored and co-authored on this topic: