The guideline cares about user-friendly design for disabilities such as vision or hearing disabilities,
which is more about clarity and accessibility. This allows more users to use their products and at the
same time have an equal experience.The guideline sets a standard for good design on their platform, and
in order to make a popular app, the design have to follow the guideline so that they can “deliver an
extraordinary product that rises to the top of the App Store charts”. This at the same time means
apps at the top of the store charts are all sharing the same design principles and deliver a similar
experience. The guideline sets the standard of user experience of the apps in the store, making sure
every user can have a clean and coherent experience. But this also means less design variety there will
be for the apps and some apps with a different design/art direction will be harder to know. However,
those guideline will likely save more time and efforts for app designers, since the product outcome
will be suitable for the platform to run on.