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The Epitaph
Cupertino, CA, August 1998 ~ June 1999
Worked as the design editor of The Epitaph,
a Pacemaker
Award-winning high school newspaper. The Publication placed seventh
in its division at the annual national journalism conqvention in
1999 and was acknowledged as a candidate for the Pacemaker Award
during my year of editorship. Duties consisted
of designing layouts and editing the layouts of individual page
editors for each issue. Also produced original
artwork for use in graphics, using Photoshop and Illustrator; worked
on photographic assignments, shooting at events and also setting
up photo shoots for special graphics; wrote articles and devised
headlines and subheadings every issue.
& Leisure ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
involved in Grace on Campus. In my spare time, I am an amateur film
critic (talking during movies) and a lover of books of all kinds:
comic, science fiction, lexical, Biblical, and absolutely anything
with lovely pictures. And despite the fact that
I abuse my eyes so much, I still have nearly perfect vision.