Talking Colors


Talking colors is an interactive installation that deals with colors as a universal language which defines personalities and stimulates emotions and desires. We live in a world of colors, subjected to their influence since immemorial times. Although the importance of color in all ancient civilization is well known and documented, it hasn’t been until the beginning of the XIX Century that scientific research started to focus on the way color affects humans, their personalities, emotions and physiology. Today psychologists and scholars speak of red personalities, impulsive, vital and energetic, or blue, the color of conservatism, accomplishment, devotion and deliberation. Elementary schools should be colored with warm tones of yellow, peach and pink which are stimulating colors, while secondary grades tones should be green-blue and blue, to avoid emotional distraction and stimulate mental concentration.
In the installation Talking Colors, the visitor will choose a garment to wear from a rack of colored pieces. As he/she walks into the space, same color text that relates to the significance of such color will appear on the screen, and follows the movements of the visitor. The text will leave a trace to reduce its intensity and increment its transparency, so to allow for the mixing of other texts and other colors.


Laura Hernandez Andrade
Interactive Media - Project Proposal
Talking Colors
UCLA 2004