Weekly 7 - Data Vis

Education Income Is presented in a minimalist and easy to navigate stacked bar chart that compares the percentage of low income boys and girls that complete primary school in Guinea. It is very simple and does a good job making data easy to read and navigate. The use of color insures that important information is highlighted and secondary information is a second read on the page. The use of motion also creates reading hierarchy, insuring data is conveyed easily and quick to read. The choice of a stacked bar graph shows the large gap between how many low income girls compared to low income boys complete primary school. Female Executives is also a minimalist and easy to navigate page. It uses a line chart to show that there are not enough female executives. Using the same colors as "Education Income", it bares the same dedication to an easy to read and navigate page, with a very corporate look. The choice of a line graph shows a large gap between women's education levels and the disparities of education and women in executive positions.