The Poly-sensing Environment and Object Based Emergent Intention Matrix: Toward an integrated Physical / Augmented Reality Space.

Principal Investigators:
Dr. Ingrid Verbauwhede - Department of Electrical Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles
Dr. Bill Seaman - Head, Graduate Digital Media Department, Rhode Island School of Design
Dr. Mark Hansen - Department of Statistics, University of California, Los Angeles

Graduate Student Researchers:
Shenglin Yang - Electrical Engineering (UCLA)
Fabian Winkler - Design | Media Arts (UCLA)

Text Based Project Description
Explanatory Shockwave Movie (113K)
The Emergent Intention Matrix (simulation)
Linking Speech Recognition with the Media Environment
Defining Objects in the Poly-sensing Environment
Mapping Sensor Output
Modular Video

Media Environment first application (256K)
Speech Recognition (29K)
Meeting 08-21-02 (79K)
Meeting 08-21-02 ideas (561K)
meeting 08-21-02 ideas2 (85K)

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