Defining Objects in the Poly-sensing Environment

Based on the EIM's object submenu an object can be defined in three different ways:
  1. Using the Picking Tool
  2. Based on Difference Tracking
  3. Using HandSCAPE
1. The Picking Tool:
The picking tool allows the user to define an object in the physical environment based on its extreme edges (bounding box).

2. Difference Tracking:
When objects are moved, they can be seen by the system based on a combination of top, front, side camera tracking and sensor values (e.g. acceleration and translation/GPS):

3. HandSCAPE:

Jay Lee, Victor Su, Sandia Ren, James Hsaio,
Rujira Hongladaromp, and Hiroshi Ishii
Tangible Media Group
MIT Media Laboratory

HandSCAPE is an orientation-aware digital measuring tape. While a measuring tape only produces linear distance, the addition of orientation sensors allows a vector measurement to be made, having both length and direction. With this addition, the measuring tape can serve as an input device to computer drawing and modelling applications. HandSCAPE provides the user with a simple interface with which to generate digital models of physical objects. The interaction involves taking measurements of several physical objects and the distances between them. Once the model has been generated, the user can manipulate it in the digital domain.

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