
Trimmed Surfaces NURBS
Trims work great for NURBs, if you need a poly mesh, use Booleans rather than the Trim Tool.


Pencil Trim Tutorial

Pencil Body

In the Modeling module
Choose Create NURBS Primitives->Cylinder->option.jpg
Select Axis  Z
Input Height 12
     Input Number of Sections  18
     Select Caps none
Click on Create

Hit 4 to view the Front View as wireframe.

Left Mouse choose the Select By Component Type
button scomponent.jpg 
     Right Mouse choose point components point_component 
          NURBS CVs should be selected.

From the front view, hold down the Shift
key and draw a box to pick every third CV around the circular part of the cylinder.

Select the Rotate Tool button from the side tool box.  Interactively rotate the active CVs counter clockwise until they are close to the neighboring CV. mrotate.jpg

Click the background of any view to select nothing.

Hold down the Shift key and draw a box to Select every third CVs. (see arrows on diagram)

pencilpickcvs.jpg        pencilprofile.jpg

Select the Rotate Tool    and interactively rotate the active CVs clockwise until they are close to the neighboring CV. mrotate.jpg

Pencil Tip
Select Create->NURBS Primitives->Cone->option.jpg
Select Axis  Z
Input Radius 1.2
Input Height 4.8
Input Number of Sections  6
Click on Create

Select the select by object type button. sobject.jpg

Select the Move Tool button.  mmove.jpg

Move the cone down the Z axis so it intersects the pencil body closer to the tip.
Use detach to cut a pencil tip
This will save a lot of polygons compared to using trim.
In object type mode, select the cone. sobject.jpg

Move the mouse over the cone, hold down the right mouse button to bring up the object mini menu, select isoparm. Click and drag on the end isoparm to select the ring and move it to where you want the tip.

Select Surfaces->Detach

Intersect the Pencil Body and the Cone
Select both the pencil body and the cone.

Use Surfaces->Intersect->option.jpg
     Input Tolerance:   .0001
Curves on surface are created on both surfaces.

Select the pencil body
     Use Surfaces->Trim Tool
Click the region you wish to keep, Select towards the back, a marker will appear.
          Hit Enter
Trim will hide the front.

Repeat this for the cone.

Eraser and Barrel

Create a Linear curve and use Surfaces->Revolve around the Z axis to create the eraser barrel.    (Create->CV Curve Tool->option.jpg, select Linear)

Create a Cubic curve and use Surfaces->Revolve to create the eraser.

Convert the NURBS shapes to polygons for Unity
Select all the NURBS surfaces

Select Modify->Convert NURBS to Polygons->option.jpg
     Choose Quads

     Choose Tessellation method: General
     Change U type to: Per span # of iso params
     Change V type to: Per span # of iso params
     Input Number U: 3   (If this is too jaggy, increase)
     Input Number V:  1
     Hit Apply

Use the Move Tool mmove.jpg to move the converted polygon obects over.

Fix the barrel, eraser and tip
You can individually select the items such as the barrel to change the divisions to 1 along the straight axis.

Select an object
Channel editor
     Open nurbsTesselate
          set U Number 
          set V Number 

Delete the NURBS surfaces, or export them into another file, then delete.

Create 4-5 Lambert Shaders, assign the parts of the pencil. Use a wood image as a color map, save it into your Unity Assets folder, access the maya texture from the Unity folder.

Select all the Polys and choose Edit->Group to group everything together.

Fix the edge of the barrel:
Double click the sharp edges of the barrel  (peach colored)
     Use Mesh Display->Harden Edge

Select all the polys and use Mesh->Combine to make 1 poly mesh.

Use Edit->Delete by Type History


Create Shiny Materials in Unity
In Unity:
Drag and drop onto your various pencil parts

Another Trim Method to try, Project
In Maya:
Perhaps the best analogy for the projection trim would be the cookie cutter and cookie dough. The cutter is projected into the dough (object) in order to produce the desired form.

In Maya:
Place a sphere in the scene. Scale it up a bit.

Draw a closed curve in the front window that will be our cookie cutter shape. This curve should overlap the sphere.

Select the sphere and the curve from the front window, this will designate the front view as the axis to project along.

Use Surfaces->Project Curve on Surface
A couple of curves on surface were created on the sphere.

Click the sphere
Use Surfaces->Trim Tool
Click the region you wish to keep. Trim will hide the rest.
Hit Enter

Things to try:
  Try this with more than one projecting curve. Compare open curves versus closed. Project down different axes by Selecting different views before projecting. Try moving the projecting curve after trimming. The trim hole will update or change as you move the curve around.

*** Warning: Trim's history uses a lot of calculation, use Edit->Delete by Type->History to clear this up.


wood normal map


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