
Texture Maps Arnold and Unity

RAW Color Management Settings
Select Categories Color Management

Under Color Transform Preferences
     Change View: to Raw   (default ACE 1.0 SDR-video)

Under Rule Priority
     Select Default
Input Color Space
: to Utility->Raw   (default sRGB)
     Click Reapply Rules to Scene button
Output Color Transform Preferences
     Check check_box
Apply Output Transform to Renderer
  (important for batch rendering later)

Adjust the Hypershade Window
hypershade  Windows->Rendering Editors->Hypershade

Close Material Viewer and Property Editor in the Hypershade window
The Property Viewer does not show you all the options listed in the Attribute Editor.
(You can use Window->Material Viewer and Window->Property Editor to bring them back.)

Best Practice for Image Texture Maps
Arnold Renderer
Replace your image file with the converted .tx texture file.
Do not use the legacy shaders with Arnold Renderer, including: Lambert, Blinn and Phong.
StandardSurface should be the main shader you use with Arnold Renderer.
Download this PC script to convert tifs and png files to tx, double click the file from inside the folder where your textures reside.

star  (Star = Basic Maps)
Color Map  Arnold, Maya Software and Unity
flower color texture map render     tex_bw_flower_pattern

Color mapping is like gift wrapping.  Color maps apply an image to the surface of an object

Select a model.

Use the right mouse key over your object to bring up the marking menu
     Select Assign Favorite Material->Lambert
          Select Lambert for importing to Unity, or select Standard Surface for rendering in Arnold

(You should see the shader in the attribute editor on the right.)
Click the Map Button across from Base or Color map_button.jpg  
     Select the File icon texture_file_icon_create_render
          Change Filter Type to Off (less blurry)
          Choose an
Image Name texture_folder_icon
                It is best to keep your images in the scenes
directory for Maya projects.
                It is best to keep a copy of your image in the Assets directory for Unity projects.
          Under Arnold Change Filter Type to closest  (default smart_bicubic, less blurry)

Hit 6 (shader display) to view the texture shaded on the model.

Metalness Map  Arnold and Unity
tex_metalness     tex_metalness_map

Metalness mapping determines the reflectivity of an object.
White is mirror, black is no reflection, and gray is inbetween.
This works better with a 24bit image, no alpha channel.

This landscape image is using a 16bit .exr file HDRI image on the Skydome light as a reflection.
Download from

This image was a 16bit HDRI and higher resolution in a previous iteration.

Select a model.

Use the right mouse key over your object to bring up the marking menu
     Select Assign New Material
          Select Standard Surface for rendering in Arnold. This will not be imported into Unity.

(You should see the shader in the attribute editor on the right.)
Click the Map Button under Base, Metalness map_button.jpg  
     Select the File icon texture_file_icon_create_render
          Change Filter Type to Off (less blurry)
          Choose an image texture_folder_icon
                It is best to keep your images in the scenes
directory for Maya projects.
                It is best to keep a copy of your image in the Assets directory for Unity projects.
                Under Color Balance, select Alpha is Luminance
          Under Arnold Change Filter Type to closest  (default smart_bicubic, less blurry)
Hit 6 (shader display) to view the texture shaded on the model.

Roughness Map Arnold and Unity
tex_roughness     text_roughness_map

This works better with a 24bit image, no alpha channel.
Roughness mapping determines the shinyness and dullness of an object.
Black is shiny and white is dull, gray is inbetween.
This image has a little Metalness.

Select a model.

Use the right mouse key over your object to bring up the marking menu
     Select Assign New Material...
          Select Standard Surface for rendering in Arnold, you will need a new Material in Unity.

In the Hypershade window, double click the new shader ball you just created and assigned.

(You should see the shader in the attribute editor on the right.)
Click the Map Button across from Specular, Roughness map_button.jpg  
     Select the File icon texture_file_icon_create_render
          Change Filter Type to Off (less blurry)
          Choose an image texture_folder_icon
                It is best to keep your images in the scenes
directory for Maya projects.
                It is best to keep a copy of your image in the Assets directory for Unity projects.
                Under Color Balance, select Alpha is Luminance
          Under Arnold Change Filter Type to closest  (default smart_bicubic, less blurry)
Hit 6 (shader display) to view the texture shaded on the model.

Bump and Normal Maps
tex_bump_map text_tinfoil text_tinfoil_normal
Bump and normal maps are similar to color mapping in approach. 
Bright areas of the picture will appear to raise while dark areas will sink in.
The object's surface is not actually distorted, it only appears so. The normal map is purple.

Unity uses normal maps, Unity works best with Lambert shaders.
Maya Software Renderer and Arnold can use either bump or normal maps.

How to create a Normal Map
In Photoshop
Open an image file.
Select Filter->3D->Generate Normal Map...   (Ignore message.)
Save the file as a new name into your Unity Assets

Normal Maps  Maya Legacy Shaders, Maya Software Renderer, Arnold and Unity
Assign and double click a Maya Lambert shader ball. Use Lambert for Arnold and Unity.

Click the Map Button across from Bump Mapping map_button.jpg
     Select the File icon texture_file_icon_create_render
New tabs called bump2D and file will appear in the Attribute Editor.
     Bump Depth will change the apparent height of the bump, you may use negative values.
     Change Use As: to Tangent Space Normals   (default Bump)

Go to file
tab in the Attribute Editor.
     To the right of the Image Name click the folder icon. texture_folder_icon
Choose a normal map image.
                Under Color Balance, select Alpha is Luminance

Find the Bump Depth Settings later
Right mouse over the word Bump Mapping in the Attribute editor, select bump2d.outNormal...
     Change the Bump Depth

Another Method
You can always find bump2D tab by clicking the connection arrows.
     Double click your shader
     Connect over to the Bump Mapping  connection_arrow2
     Click the lower connection arrow to bring up the bump2d height tab
     Change the Bump Depth

Bump Maps
Arnold and Standard Surface Shaders
You must use either an Arnold shader, Standard Surface or Lambert with the Arnold renderer.

Create a Maya StandardSurface shader or an Arnold aiStandardSurface.

In the Attribute Editor under Geometry
Click the Map Button across from Bump Mapping map_button.jpg
     Select the File icon texture_file_icon_create_render
New tabs called bump2D and file will appear in the Attribute Editor.

Go to file tab in the Attribute Editor.
     To the right of the Image Name click the folder icon. texture_folder_icon
Choose an image. White areas appear to bump out, black stays the same.  
          (It can work to use the color map for bump.)
                Under Color Balance, select Alpha is Luminance
Under the bump2D tab, change the apparent height of the bump
with the Bump Depth slider, negative or positive numbers work.

Displacement Maps Arnold and Standard Surface Shaders
Displacement maps use an image to move the vertices of an object. This is an approach for Arnold renders. Maya render is similar.


Create a Maya StandardSurface shader or an Arnold aiStandardSurface.

In the Attribute Editor click this connection arrow to bring you to the SG tab.

Click the Displacement mat. map button map_button.jpg

Select the File icon texture_file_icon_create_render or try a procedure

Go to file
tab in the Attribute Editor.
     To the right of the Image Name click the folder icon. texture_folder_icon
Choose an image. White areas appear to bump out, black stays the same.  
          The Color Space should be Raw
      Under Color Balance, Alpha is Luminance is selected

Go back to the displacementShader tab
     Change Scale to a smaller value, this will effect the height
     (You can always find the Displacement Shader in the Hypershade window.)


Select the object
In the Attribute Editor
     Under Arnold->Subdivision
          Change Type to catclark     (default none)
          Increase Iterations
as needed  (default 1, this will add more geometry + render time.)
(You may use any method to add subdivisions, this method works with the Arnold Renderer.)

Transparency Maps
Transparency maps use black and white luminance data from a color image or the alpha channel.
Luminance values are used to define transparency on the object surface.
Typically, light areas of the picture are more opaque while dark areas are transparent.
text_grid_procedure  tex_grid_procedure
Maya Grid procedure 
Arnold and Maya Software Renderer
Double click a shader ball
     Lambert, aiStandardSurface, or Standard Surface shaders work with Arnold. 
      (Phong and Blinn do not work with procedural textures and transparency with Arnold)
Click the Map Button map_button.jpg across from Transparency or Geometry Opacity
     Click Grid

Unity / Maya Lambert Photoshop 1 Color / Alpha Transparency Map
Maya Shader, Maya Software Renderer and Unity
Use PNG files for transparency maps, TIFs don't always work anymore.

Create an image with 1 alpha channel layer, save as PNG.
The alpha channel will automatically create a transparency map when you apply the image as a color map.
text_lambert_trans_png     text_trans_map

In Photoshop:
Make a 256x256 image with transparency in the Alpha channel layer.

Save the file into your Unity Assets folder as a PNG and or your Maya scenes folder too.

Double click a Maya shader ball.  Lambert, Phong, or Blinn
Click the Map Button across from Color map_button.jpg
     Select the File icon texture_file_icon_create_render
     Change Filter Type to Off (less blurry)
     Image Name, select your tiff file that has an alpha channel
          A transparency map should be automatically generated along with the color map. (If not, the file needs sRGB embedded.)
     Under Arnold Change Filter Type to closest  (default smart_bicubic, less blurry)

Some settings to take care of shadow Maya render issues with transparency maps:
Maya Shader:
Translucence depth 0
(default .5)
Raytrace Options->Shadow Attenuation 0
(default .5)

Incandescence Maps  Maya Software and Unity
incandescence texture map render     tex_star1
Incandescence maps are used when a model does not require lighting.
For example, an LED light, a display.

Select a model.

Use the right mouse key over your object to bring up the marking menu
Select Assign New Material...
     Select Lambert for Maya Software and Unity

In the Hypershade window, double click the new shader ball you just created and assigned.

(You should see the shader in the attribute editor on the right.)

Change the Color to black, so it does not interfere with incandescence.

Click the Map Button across from Incandescence map_button.jpg  
     Select the File icon texture_file_icon_create_render
          Change Filter Type to Off (less blurry)
          Choose an image texture_folder_icon
                It is best to keep your images in the scenes
directory for Maya projects.
                It is best to keep a copy of your image in the Assets directory for Unity projects.

(Unity bug: incandescence texture repeats in the Maya shader are ignored in Unity.)

Another method to apply an incandescence map in Unity, apply the Emission Color.

You can create an Emission Map for Arnold Shaders and Render.

If PhotoShop files will not save
while you are running Maya

Use Arnold->Flush Caches->Textures

Code for script editor: cmdArnoldFlushTexture;

Delete a Shader
 Windows->Rendering Editors->Hypershade
In the Hypershade window, select the shader ball.
Choose Edit->Delete in the Hypershade menu. This will not delete any textures associated with it.

Remove Texture from Material
hypershade Windows->Rendering Editors->Hypershade
Double click a shader ball.
With the right mouse button, in the Attribute Editor, click on the attribute next to the item mapped, such as Color.
Choose Break Connection

Delete a Texture

Switch to the Textures tab in the Hypershade window
Select the texture you would like to delete
Choose Edit->Delete in the Hypershade menu.

Generate a Map with Render
Create a model, render it to a picture file and use it as a map.

Under the Persp Window menu:
     Select View->Camera Settings->Resolution Gate.

Open Windows->Rendering Editors->Render Settings... render_settings_button
Under Common tab,
          Under File Output, Set Image format to Tiff
     Under Image Size, Input  256 x 256  width x height

Convert a Procedural Map in Maya
to work in Unity as an image.

In Maya:
Apply a procedural texture to the color such as checker.
     Click the Map Button map_button.jpg across from Color, select checker

Select your model, use shift to choose your shader too.

In the Hypershade, select Edit->Convert File to texture->option
     Change the resolution if you prefer, better to keep it low for Unity.
     Choose File Format:  Tiff (tif)
     Convert and Close

This created a new shader and a new color map in the sourceimages directory of your Maya project.

Move the file to your Unity Assets directory, reassign the new location in Maya.

Save your Maya scene file into your Unity Assets folder.

Convert Maya Shaders to Arnold
hypershade Windows->Rendering Editors->Hypershade

Select the Shaders you would like to convert

Arnold Shaders->Convert Shaders to Arnold
     Choose Selected
     You may want to rename the shaders

The converted Phong and Blinn shaders will not look exactly the same, try these settings:
          Metalness .2  (reflectivity)
          Roughness .1
          IOR 1.5
          Weight .5  (reflectivity and specular)
          Color black
          Roughness 0

Custom Shader Conversion Scripts
Convert Old School Shaders to Standard Surface
Convert Standard Surface to Old School

Hypershade Graph
hypershade Windows->Rendering Editors->Hypershade

Select a Shader

Graph->Input and Output Connections

Lambert Shader
with a single texture map with an alpha channel linked for transparency, Maya Software Render, TIF

Color and Opacity map with 1 texture file that has an alpha Channel, Arnold Shader

Use the right mouse key over your object to bring up the marking menu, select Assign Favorite Material->Standard Surface

Click the Map Buttonacross from Base Color map_button.jpg
     Select the File icon texture_file_icon_create_render
          Change Filter Type to Off (less blurry)
          Choose an image texture_folder_icon

Select the Shader
Graph->Input and Output Connections

Select the + next to Opacity
     Drag Opacity R up to Out Alpha
     Drag Opacity G up to Out Alpha
     Drag Opacity B up to Out Alpha

Standard Surface Shader
with a single texture map with an alpha channel linked for transparency, Arnold Renderer, TIF

MEL Create a Standard Surface shader w/ transparency alpha
Mel script to create a StandardSurface shader using a file color map. This sets up a connection to opacity to an alpha channel in the color map.

Run the Script Editor
Open the Windows->General Editors->Script Editor...  or hit the {;} icon in the lower right.
     Paste this script in the lower MEL area
     Use Command->Execute from the editor to create a new shader with a texture file node connected to color and opacity.

//StandardShader with connected Transparency map
string $sel="ss";
if(`objExists ($sel+"_standard")`) {rename ($sel+"_standard") ($sel+"_standard"+"x");};
if(`objExists ($sel+"_c")`) {rename ($sel+"_c") ($sel+"_c"+"x");};
if(`objExists ($sel+"_place2dTexture")`) {rename ($sel+"_place2dTexture") ($sel+"_place2dTexture"+"x");};
shadingNode -n ($sel+"_standard") -asShader standardSurface;
shadingNode -n ($sel+"_c") -asTexture -isColorManaged file;
shadingNode -n ($sel+"_place2dTexture") -asUtility place2dTexture;
connectAttr -f ($sel+"_place2dTexture"+".coverage") ($sel+"_c"+".coverage");
connectAttr -f ($sel+"_place2dTexture"+".translateFrame") ($sel+"_c"+".translateFrame");
connectAttr -f ($sel+"_place2dTexture"+".rotateFrame") ($sel+"_c"+".rotateFrame");
connectAttr -f ($sel+"_place2dTexture"+".mirrorU") ($sel+"_c"+".mirrorU");
connectAttr -f ($sel+"_place2dTexture"+".mirrorV") ($sel+"_c"+".mirrorV");
connectAttr -f ($sel+"_place2dTexture"+".stagger") ($sel+"_c"+".stagger");
connectAttr -f ($sel+"_place2dTexture"+".wrapU") ($sel+"_c"+".wrapU");
connectAttr -f ($sel+"_place2dTexture"+".wrapV") ($sel+"_c"+".wrapV");
connectAttr -f ($sel+"_place2dTexture"+".repeatUV") ($sel+"_c"+".repeatUV");
connectAttr -f ($sel+"_place2dTexture"+".offset") ($sel+"_c"+".offset");
connectAttr -f ($sel+"_place2dTexture"+".rotateUV") ($sel+"_c"+".rotateUV");
connectAttr -f ($sel+"_place2dTexture"+".noiseUV") ($sel+"_c"+".noiseUV");
connectAttr -f ($sel+"_place2dTexture"+".vertexUvOne") ($sel+"_c"+".vertexUvOne");
connectAttr -f ($sel+"_place2dTexture"+".vertexUvTwo") ($sel+"_c"+".vertexUvTwo");
connectAttr -f ($sel+"_place2dTexture"+".vertexUvThree") ($sel+"_c"+".vertexUvThree");
connectAttr -f ($sel+"_place2dTexture"+".vertexCameraOne") ($sel+"_c"+".vertexCameraOne");
connectAttr ($sel+"_place2dTexture"+".outUV") ($sel+"_c"+".uv");
connectAttr ($sel+"_place2dTexture"+".outUvFilterSize")($sel+"_c"+".uvFilterSize");
defaultNavigation -ce -source ($sel+"_c") -destination ($sel+"_standard"+".baseColor");
connectAttr -f ($sel+"_c"+".outAlpha") ($sel+"_standard"+".opacityR");
connectAttr -f ($sel+"_c"+".outAlpha") ($sel+"_standard"+".opacityG");
connectAttr -f ($sel+"_c"+".outAlpha") ($sel+"_standard"+".opacityB");
setAttr ($sel+"_c"+".filterType") 0;

Arnold aiJitterColor
Apply random appearing colors across many objects with one shader

Select 5 models.

Use the right mouse key over your objects to bring up the marking menu, select Assign Favorite Material
     select Standard Surface

hypershade Windows->Rendering Editors->Hypershade
Click the Map Button across from Base, Color map_button.jpg  
          Select Arnold, Utility, aiColorJitter
               Change Type to Object
     Change the Color
     Change Hue Max to a value under 1
     Change Saturation Max to a value under 1

Projection Utility
Project any texture onto an attribute.
Open the Hypershade
Create a Shader
Click the Map Button for an attribute map_button.jpg  
          Select Utilities
               Select Projection
                    Hit the Interactive Placement button
                    Select Create a Placement Node
Click the Map
Button for Image attribute map_button.jpg  
                         (Try various projections, move the placement icon around, select it in the Outliner.)

If it does not ask to create a placment node, do this:
In the Script Editor
, run this command to create a placement icon
     AEinvokeProj projection1

Compare Software

Arnold Render with


Maya StandardSurface



color map

yes, not so good




color procedural map

yes, not so good









bump or normal map

yes Lambert, no Blinn, Phong




bump procedural map

yes Lambert, no Blinn, Phong









transparency map

with a bw map




trans. procedual map










reflected color map





refl. Procedural map










Arnold Issues





No swatches in Hypershade PC





Many shaders do not preview with GPU Renderer




Point lights do not work so well inside a room, lots of grain




Arnold Shaders do not list in the Channel Box




Tif files with alpha channels connected to opacity are negative, need to connect with graph edito in hypergraph


Can use graph editor to connect alpha channel




Layered Shader does not interact with Maya StandardSurface or aiStandardSurface shaders












Unity GPU


Maya StandardSurface


Unity material

color map





color procedural map




can script a Shader






normal map





bump map

yes changes to purple normal



yes purple

bump procedural map




Can script a Unity Shader






transparency map

yes if alpha in color map



yes if alpha in color map

trans. procedual map




Can script a Unity Shader






reflected color map




Reflection Probe

refl. Procedural map










Note: For best results, use Maya Lambert or a Unity Material with Unity. Use Photoshop to make Normal maps.













Maya Software Render


Maya StandardSurface



color map





color procedural map










bump or normal map


yes, color too dark



bump procedural map


yes, color too dark








transparency map

alpha channel or bw map

yes, color too dark



trans. procedual map


yes, color too dark








reflected color map





refl. Procedural map










Note: For best results with Maya Software render use Maya Shaders and lights.













Good to know





With Tif the Photoshop layer transparency is ignored for transparency, need an alpha channel.


PNG does not save a separate alpha channel, it uses alpha layers.









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