
Premiere Pro

Import Footage
Choose File->New Project
     Display Format: select Frames, this is easier to view than timecode.

Drag and drop your movie files into the Project section.

Import an animation Sequence
Choose File->Import...
     Select Image Sequence

Start to Edit
Drag a clip onto the Timeline

You can use the razer blade or sequence tools to cut up your footage.

Modify the size of the Movie
Select the Timeline
Inspect Sequence->Sequence Settings
     You may want to change the frame rate to match your imported files.

Reposition the Video
Doubleclick to select the clip
Use the Source: Window, select Effect Controls   (Shift 5 if you do not see it)

Animate a Title Fade out
Use the Type Tool to add some text to the program
     Drag the end of the title to make it 120 frames long.
     Choose Sequence->Apply Video Transition
     Shorten the first Cross Dissolve

Select the Graphics Section to modify the font

Export the Edit
Select the Timeline

Choose File->Export Media

Select Format H.264   .mp4   This format works in Unity as a texture.

Click the link for Preset

Turn off
Export Audio unless you have audio
         Video tab
               Frame Rate:  30
               Field Order:  Progressive
               Aspect:  Square Pixels (1.0)
               Select Render at Maximum Depth

               Performance:  Hardware Encoding
               Target Bitrate [Mbps]  10
               Under Advanced Settings check Key Frame Distance  30  
                    (should equal your frame rate)
               Select Use Maximum Render Quality
          Audio tab
               Audio Codec: AAC
               Frequency: 48 kHz
               Audio Quality:  High
               Bitrate [kbps]:  320+

         Muliplexer tab
                Muliplexer:  MP4
                Steam Compatibility: Standard
Select a location for your Output File
Hit the Export


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