
Substance Painter   by Wiley Wiggins and Carrie Chen

In Maya
Create Shaders for your objects.

You should re-name all your shaders and all your objects.

All the UVs for your object should be properly unwrapped.
For best results, the geometry per Shader should fit into one texture square, with no overlapping.
     UV->UV Editor

If the UVs need adjustment, backup a copy of your object or file.

Select your object(s).
     Open UV->UV Editor to double check your UVs.
          You might try UV->Automatic  (This will not be the correct approach for all shapes.)
     File-> Export Selection
          Files of type: DAE_FBX export  (FBX and OBJ work as well.)

In Substance Painter

     Click on the down arrow across from Template 
          For Opaque materials use  ASM - PBR Metallic Roughness  
          For Glass or transparent materials use ASM - PBR Metallic Roughness Alpha-blend  
          Notice there is also a Template for Unity.

     Click Select...  
          Select your DAE_FBX file
     Document Resolution select 2048 
     Under Import Settings
          Deselect Auto-unwrap unless you did not set the UVs in Maya.

Zoom and Tumble are the similar to Maya, use the Alt key.

Bake Mesh Maps
This is where the resolution, channels and associated mesh maps can be managed.

Select Edit->Bake Mesh Maps  A window will appear.
     Change the Output Size to match your project resolution 2048
     Turn off Normal
     Turn off ID
     Select Bake Selected Textures

This is where you can paint on the discrete layers.

Select the shader you would like to paint.

Select the LAYERS tab
     Toss the default layer  substance_trash

Fill Layer
     Select Base Color
     Select the Fill Bucket  substance_fill_bucket, it will create a new layer
     Select a material you like from the
SHELF window or change the Base Color.

PROPERTIES, you can adjust the scale, rotation, offset of the material. If you scroll down you will find the Material menu where you can tweak specific channels such as color, height, roughness, metallic, normal height.  Highlighting the channel will turn it on or off.

Paint a New Layer
     Select the Paint Brush icon substance_paintbrush from the LAYERS window,  it will create a new layer
     Select a Material from the SHELF window
     Paint on your object.

For every layer, the default blending mode is Norm (normal).
To change the blending mode, click on the arrow next to Norm to see the list of blending mode options, similar to Photoshop.

Stamping (bump or normal map)

     Select the Paint Brush icon substance_paintbrush, this will create a new layer
     Select the Alphas list from the SHELF
          Select a brush shape, start stamping

To add negative or positive height to the stamp:
          Select height under MATERIAL
Move the slider negative or positive
If you turn off color, metal, rough, nrm the stamp will only effect the bump.

Fill Polygons Mask
Select the Fill Bucket  substance_fill_bucket, it will create a new layer
Select a Base Color from PROPERTIES or use a material from the SHELF.

Select the Folder icon substance_folder, it will create a new layer.
     Right-click on the folder and select Add black mask.

     Drag the Fill layer into the folder

Select the Folder layer,
Select the Polygon Fill tool substance_fill_mode left tool menu
(Or press 4, press 1 to select the Paint tool to stop.)
     Click on the faces where the paint layer should be visible.
     You can open 3D/2D view and drag your mouse over the faces to select.

The color from the Fill layer will show up in the faces you selected.

The icon menu along the top lets you triangle fill, Polygon fill quads, Mesh fill separate parts, and UV chunk fill, and change the selection positive or negative.

If you select the Fill layer again and change the base color in the Properties menu, you will see the updated color in the masked area.

Paint in the Masked Area
You can also paint in the masked area.
Select the Paint Brush icon substance_paintbrush, this will create a new layer
     Select a Base Color from PROPERTIES or use a material from the SHELF.
     Drag the Paint layer into the folder
Select a brush or stamp and start painting.
The painting will only be visible in the masked area. 

Dirt Procedural Map
Select the Paint Brush icon substance_paintbrush, this will create a new layer
     Select a dark Base Color from PROPERTIES or use a material from the SHELF.
     Select a Dirt Brush from Brushes from the SHELF

Create your own Smart Material
Create and texture the layers that will be part of the material.
You should experiment with base colors, masks, procedural textures, etc.

Once you are happy with the effect, select the Folder icon to create a new layer. Rename the folder to a new material name.

Drag all the layers for the material inside the folder.

Right-click on the folder, select Create Smart Material.
This material will be saved in SHELF->Smart Materials

Import Your Own Texture Map
In the SHELF, click the arrow icon  substance_shelf_arrow
     click Add Resources
Select the image file you want to import, Open.
     Click on the undefined button and change to texture. 
     Select Import your resources to: current session or shelf.
     Click Import

The image file will now be in the Textures menu in SHELF.

Select the Fill Bucket  substance_fill_bucket, it will create a new layer

In LAYERS->Properties->Material
Drag the image from SHELF->Textures to the relevant parameter such as Base Color.

If the map does not fit the object:
     Scroll up to Properties->Fill->Projection
select Tri-planar projection.  (default UV projection)

You can adjust the scale and rotation under  UV transformations

There is also a separate program called Substance Alchemist that lets you create custom, high-res Substance materials from images.
This video does a nice job covering the basics:

Export Texture Maps
If you chose Auto-unwrap in the beginning, you need to export the mesh with its new UVs
     Select File-> Export Mesh...   Select Export
          Select Save as Type: Autodesk FBX data exchange (*.fbx)  (OBJ changes the scale)

Export the textures for Maya
     Select File-> Export Textures…
          Under Output directory Select the location of your Maya file folder.
          For Maya select: Output template PBR - Metallic Roughness
          Select Export shaders parameters

Export the textures for Unity 
     Select File-> Export Textures…
          Under Output directory Select the location of your Unity Assets->Materials folder.

          For Unity select: Unity Universal Render Pipeline (Metalic Standard)
          ( Make sure you are using Universal Render Pipeline, otherwise choose the best option.)
          Choose a Size that will work well with your project.
          Your Maya file should be located in Assets somewhere.
          Select Export shaders parameters

Adding the textures into Maya
In Maya

If you do not see a Substance Menu, adjust the Plug-in Manager
     Windows->Settings/Preferences->Plug-in Manager
          Scroll down to the bottom, check all the options for Substance.

Select Substance->

Select Substance->Apply Workflow to Maps
     Workflow: Standard Surface
     Choose Select Multiple Maps button
          Select the maps for one of your shaders
          Rename the map and assign to your objects
     Repeat for all other shaders

In the
Attribute Editor:
Set the Weight up to .8
     Click the Map Button across from Color map_button.jpg
Select the File icon

     Click texture_folder_icon   across from Image Name
          Choose the texture map with BaseColor
     Set Filter Type to Off

Adding the textures to Unity
In Unity
Make sure the models and the texture maps are somewhere in your Assets folder.

Use Assets->Create->Material
     Change the Shader type to Universal Render Pipeline/Lit  for URP

Drag your AlbedoTransparency
map from your Assets onto the Albedo Map in the Inspector.

Drag your MetallicSmoothness map from your Assets onto the Metallic Map in the Inspector.

Drag your Normal map from your Assets onto the Normal Map in the Inspector.
     Click the Fix Now button.
     Adjust the bumpiness of the map to the right.


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