Press the a key to see changes.
Download the sample file

Keyboard Interaction and If statement

Use Insert->media element->font, find a  postscript font to import into the movie.

Use the text tool in the tool palette to create a word.

Highlight the word, use modify->font...   Find the font you imported, it will have an asterik *.

Edit the Score Script with Lingo

Double click the first box in the score script.  See the diagram below.


A script window will appear.  Type the following behavior in the score script.

on exitFrame me
  go to the frame

Add a behavior for the text:

Choose the text on you typed  on the stage.


Open the Window->Inspectors->Behavior Inspector.

Click and hold on the top
+ button to add a new behavior.   dir_behplus.jpg
         Name it   rotate

In the Behavior Inspector Window, click the small arrow pointing right to see more options. dir_r_arrow.jpg

Click and hold on the second
+  button down  to add the command ExitFrame.

Bring up the Window->Script window
   You may need to click the
until you find the rotate script you created.

Type the following in the new behavior script you just created.

on beginSprite
(21).regPoint = point(160,17--change the center of the font

  if the keypressed = "a" then
    sprite(1).rotation = sprite(1).rotation + 5
  end if

Funny Keyboard Example: